Corporate culture
Corporate culture helps to form with company staff of common goals, it mobilized the initiative on the part of employees, cultivates loyalty and facilitates communication and mutual understanding.
We adhere to the following principles:
Customer relations
Our customer is the key player in the market, we realize its demands and do everything possible to fully satisfy them.
Our motto is time-proved quality! The priority direction of our business activities is the quality of goods we deliver to our customers.
We inquire for feedbacks with our customers and respect their opinion of our work.
In any situation we only treat our customers with friendly attitude.
We strictly observe confidentiality of the information we receive for our customers.
Partner relations
Our partners are reliable,
trustworthy and highly professional.
We adopt their experience in
our business practice and learn by their example.
We take pride
in achievements and success of our partners.
We are always
striving to extend the range of our partners and are open to consider
any cooperation offers.
Corporate relations
We are professionals
taking care of our colleagues. Exchange of knowledge and experience
is essential for proper business activities. Exchange of knowledge
and experience in our company is open and informal.
We always tend
to keep to the line of conduct which helps us win the confidence of
those we work with.
We aim at using the language free of any
ambiguity and misunderstanding.
We strive to apply our knowledge,
experience and skills at most in order to achieve our common goals.
We can acknowledge our mistakes if any.
We are doing our best
to run the business observing ethical norms: treat our employees
honestly and expect them to treat the potential partners with the
same attitude.
We keep official secrecy.
We strictly observe
discipline and subordination.
We are flexible and learn and
change fast.
We are active, responsible, energetic and
We are polite, disciplined, accurate and