4th international exhibition "UzTel - 2003"
2003-10-10 13:40:11
The St.Petersburg Opten plant participated in the 4th international exhibition "UzTel - 2003" in Uzbekistan (Telecommunications and computer-aided technology) which took place on Sept., 22nd - 25th, 2003 in the newly repaired pavilion of "Uzexpocenter" in Tashkent. "UzTel" is the only annual international exhibition in Uzbekistan dealing with high-tech in the area of telecommunications and computer-aided technology. The exhibition contractor is an international exhibition company ITE Group PLC (Great Britain) and its exclusive partner in Uzbekistan - Itesa-Osiyo company. The official supprot is provided by the Uzbek communications agency and informational support and also JSC "Uzbektelecom".
Within the framework of "UzTel - 2003" exhibition the national summit on telecom and computer-aided technology was arranged, the meetings with representative participants operating on the territory of Uzbekistan, with potential investors, foreign companies, as well as officials of corresponding ministries and republican authorities.