Krasnodar Exhibitions "SECUREXPO" and "INFFormation"
2003-11-11 10:57:58

The St.Petersburg plant Opten participated in the 9th specialized exhibition of protective services and security systems, telecommunications, fire safety systems and equipment "SECUREXPO" and the 8th exhibition of specialized IT and computer hardware "INFFormation" that took place in Fair and Exhibition Centre "KrasnodarEXPO"on Oct., 23rd - 24th, 2003.
Krasnodar Region is one of the dynamically developing and strategically important regions of Russia. Its main function is food supply. It's called the "southern watergate". The high-speed backbone network by "Rostelekom" is planned to be established on its territory in 2004. This network will provide for transit of Eurasian traffic to Turkey, Italy and other Mediterranean countries.
"Opten" plant displayed samples of the whole range of manufactured products: 26 fiber-optic cable types for various applications. Please see the photo gallery from INFFormation-2003 exhibition. Krasnodar.