FGC UES Self-Supporting Cables Acceptance Report
2008-01-29 10:51:05
Acceptance report of self-supporting cables from FGC UES (Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System)
Fiber-optic cables of OPN-DPT and OPN-DPR type (TU 3587-009-48973982-2000) manufactured by OPTEN (address: 195253, St.Petersburg, Revolyutsii highway, 58) underwent full-scale production testing and according to their specifications correspond to the corporate requirements for efficient, reliable and safety operation, and are acceptable for utilization at the overhead transmission lines of FGC UES (Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System) together with connecting couplings MTOK 96Т(T1) (ТU 5296-016-27564371-98) manufactured by JSC "Svyazstroydetal" and suspension fittings manufactured by JSC "Electrosetstroyproject", Russia.
Link to Acceptance Report