Sales department: (812) 318-53-23

Opten at Exhibition Sviaz-Expocomm-2002

2002-05-20 14:55:58

From 13th till 17th May the 14th International Exhibition Sviaz-Expocomm-2002 on communication systems, telecommunication facilities, computers, and office equipment took place in Moscow. The exhibition representativeness and large-scale involvement has completely re-confirmed that it is the main event of the year within the Russian telecommunication market.

Opten has participated in the exhibition since 1996. This year the company demonstrated samples of 26 fiber-optic cable types produced.

  • for underground and cable duct installation (DPS, DPN, DPG, SPS, SPG, DAK, SAS, TOS, TON, TOG)
  • for water crossings and composite soils (DA2)
  • self-supporting for suspending on supports (DPT, DPR, DOT, DMP, DPK, DOM, DOK)
  • for installation in pipes including pneumatic installation (DPO, SPO)
  • attachable, wrapping (DPO, DVO)
  • indoor (DNO, DGO, SNO, SGO)
  • Cables designed for indoor or in-tunnels installations have Fire safety certificate.

    The specialists confirm that installed fiber-optic cables, manufactured by Opten, since 1991 maintain their technical and operational characteristics up to now. Domestic manufacturers offer 1-2 year warranty for fiber-optic cables, Opten provides more - 5 years!

    The visitors were also interested in stranded fiber-optic cable. This solution makes it possible to refuse from welding procedures while fiber-optic networks installation. Cable assemblies can be made with ST, FC, SC or LC optical connectors or manufactured as multipolar connector.
    At Opten stand there were conducted negotiations, consultations, established and confirmed connections with more than 400 senior and junior staff from such leading telecommunication companies as TransTeleCom, Makomnet, Global One, Mezhgorsvyazstroy, Rotek, Fiber-Optic Equipment, Komkor, VELCOM, MGTS, Uralsvyazinform, CenTel, TKS, Telekom Transport, Giprosvyaz, UralTelecom, etc. We thank all guests visited our stand and site and invite you to new and further beneficial cooperation!